5 Simple Ways to Promote Your Contents Online and Get FREE Traffic


5 Simple Ways to Promote Your Contents Online and Get FREE Traffic in 2021.

The digital world is so vast that your content may go unnoticed if you don’t promote and distribute it through effective channels. Though Google keeps crawling and indexing web pages, your website will not get good traffic unless you promote it. Content distribution is the one of the best ways to promote your website or blog contents online. It informs people about the existence of your website and plays a vital role in online sales and conversions. In the post we described the 5 simple ways and various methods of online content distribution, FREE Traffic and the benefits of each of the methods in 2021.

Social Media Sharing

This is a common and effective method of online content distribution and FREE Traffic generation method. Social media has active billions of users so one can get huge FREE traffic on Social media by sharing your contents, articles, infographics, photos and videos in various social media platforms in 2021. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, Reddit are major social media sites; you can also share your content as pictures and infographics on Pinterest, Instagram, flickr and other image-based social media sites.

YouTube is the best platform for videos content distribution and promotion of video contents, animations online for getting FREE organic Traffic. There are many tools and software that reduces your time and efforts and brings good results.

Some software tools that we recommend in 2021, that will help are Hootsuite and Buffer.
Hootsuite lets you create, find, post and schedule your video content on your social profile in one go. You can also see how does your content perform?

Buffer is also a good tool for social media post creation, scheduling and management.

Email Signature

Email is an effective medium of communication both on personal and professional levels. It is used in marketing for generating leads and sales. You can increase the FREE traffic of your website by inserting it in the body your email. The email signature catches a reader attention and a link prompts him to visit your website. You can also put social media profiles and feed of your website as icons.
We recommend these two tools for your experience and management of Email signatures in 2021. They are Wisestamp and Exclaimer signature are popular signature creator tools.

Marketing Emails

Email Marketing is the most economical method of marketing on 2021; it has become even more popular with the increased use of Smartphones and Tablets to access the internet. These days’ people can access their email accounts anytime, anywhere using their smartphones and tablets. With bulk emailing, you can reach millions of target customers at a time.  
We recommend these tools for your in 2021 namely : Mailchimp and Constant contact and among other email software.These software tools helps marketers plan and execute email marketing campaigns with no hassle.

Groups and Forums

Groups and forums help people of same interest to connect and help each other. Social media sites have large numbers of groups. You can find discussion forum sites on every subject. Once you get enough numbers of visitors, you can open a forum in your website too, till then join relevant groups and forums and engage with people.

Question & Answer websites

Answer Marketing is a great way to help people and earn loyal followers.  Quora and Yahoo answer are two most popular questions and answer websites. Quora is an independent blogging and answering platform, here you can ask questions, answer and vote for them.

As per the 2012 data of Google, it processes over 100 billion searches every month. Every search is an opportunity for websites to attract a visitor and convert him into a customer. It is possible only when you rank top for relevant keywords, you can do this through content marketing and promotion. Above mentioned methods will help you in improving rank and traffic of your website.

7 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Content Creation and Digital Marketing Campaign

Content is the soul and the core ingredient of the web that is driven by search and social networks, whether it is search marketing or social media marketing, compelling content needs to be considered into your overall marketing strategy. Nowadays people are taking a help from internet in order to buy anything either online or offline, so it becomes indeed important to market your product and service through content.

You must have read many articles before on how content marketing has a great  impact on consumer’s buying behavior. They find and trust the content excites and salivates their buying attitude. That’s why, many marketers are attracting their targeted audiences with compelling and interesting content.

When it comes to attracting your targeted audience with content marketing, I’m sure that most of you just keep rolling your eyeballs for the divine rules that can help you reach out to your target audiences in a better way. Although, there are many marketers that knows irrefutable rules and implements them in a smart way, still those who are new to this marketing world face some issues connecting with their customers. Here are seven commandments of content marketing that will set the bar to make sure that you create customer-focused content so that it gets noticed and will produce positive results. 

1.    Recognize your goal

This is probably the best rule for any business marketing as it defines having a clear vision of your business. If your goal is clear, you can easily hit hard on your target (audiences). The golden rule for the success in your business is by knowing your business goals and how your content marketing can help you achieving all of them. So before embarking on getting a content strategy, you first need to be clear about your business goals and tailor your content accordingly in order to achieve various objectives. Ensure that each goal should be measurable so that you can evaluate the results from your content marketing.

2.    Know your target audience

If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need to know your target audiences as it will help you create your content as per their needs. This will also help you in pitching your content and meeting your audience’s needs with your content marketing strategy.

3.    Have a great plan

Come up with a unique plan that has never been used before by any business, which offer profits to you and your audiences. With a new plan, you can catch your audience's attention with a catchy slogan and attractive offers.  You can also give your content a coherent structure by adding key elements to your content such as, bullet points, short sentences and paragraphs, and catchy subtitles.

4.    Be transparent

While creating your content, ensure that you are very clear with your ideas and purpose for creating the content. Above all, don’t forget to mention the facts that need to be revealed to your audience. It will be very unfair, if you hide things from your audience. This way, you will be loyal to your audience and they will be able to easily trust you.

5.    Multimedia content

Don’t underestimate the power of words, however the efficacy of visuals are also a very strong proponent, so create and publish your content into different content forms (multimedia). The message should remain the same but the medium of media should be varied. You can use text blogs, infographics videos, images, e-books, podcasts and many more. The more you play(create) with the different types of media, the greater your reach to the potential distributional platforms will be. The effective use of these mediums will result in the maximum eyeballs on your content.

6.    Easy to share

Content on web should be like water. It needs to flow. So once you finish writing your content and its ready to go online, ensure that it is accessible and shareable with everyone. In addition to this, don’t forget to add social sharing buttons for your content. This sharing should be prominent and easy to find for people as there are many sites where web designers have greyed these buttons out that only people with good vision can spot them. The button without social proof is another thing that is often overlooked by the web designers, which indicates that people have no clue about the number of sharing articles on the Facebook or Twitter.  
7.    Content for search engine

Although these days, Facebook and Twitter are popular but do not forget the father of the web. Yes, you’re right! Google. Before getting your content published, make sure that you have made it easy for search engines to crawl your keywords, contents and if you don’t know how to do it, simply download a free plugin for WordPress and it will make your job easy. You can get an idea through the below picture. This WordPress by Yoast tool will help you in making your content visible on search engines.

Although you don’t have to etch these irrefutable rules for successful content marketing on any stone, all you have to do is make a note of these rules and implement them to see some positive results for your business.

For more useful tips on Contents distribution and FREE Traffic Due follow us on our social media channels, share, like and comment

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