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GENUINE LISTS OF PAYING ONLINE PAID SURVEY SITES TO REGISTER AND EARN is an internet-based rewards programme with over 600 partners. It mixes paid to click, paid-survey, loyalty card and cash back styles in one. So the website may provide more opportunity for a member to get rewards.

The surveys are not their main business, but you can receive invitation regularly. According to the length of the survey you can collect from 5 to 100 ipoints, which you can redeem for a wide range of vouchers and products. By the way 300 ipoints are equal to £1 roughly.

 Ciao surveys website

Ciao surveys website, also known as, is famous in the survey field, but does not have very good reputation.

There are a huge amount of surveys on the site. You just need to log onto the site and do it. They offer rewards from 10p to £2. Mostly you spend 20 minutes for 10p. You also should prepare to be screened out regularly after answering a few questions. When you have £5 on your account you can transfer it to your PayPal account and it will take 6-8 weeks.

Adpaid is a daily survey website. Same as ipoints, it mixes paid to click, paid-survey, paid email and cash back styles in one, but you can receive surveys every day. Their surveys are no different from most survey websites, but the rewards are fixed to $0.80 per survey. The payout set is low as $3 and can be transferred to your PayPal or Alert Pay account in 24 hours, although the website promises 7 days transaction.

Global Opinion Panels, also known as 'Synovate', is a paid survey website, which operates in 46 countries and has questioned millions of consumers for more than 50 years. is the survey address; is its corporate site.

You can only participate in its survey after you receive an invitation via your email. You get points for completing its surveys as well as one entry into the quarterly sweepstakes of the site. It means you can make 33p for your 30 minutes at the best. You have to have at least 9000 points to redeem a cheque, which is equal to £5 and sent by post. Generally it will take 6-8 weeks for you to get it.

Toluna is a community website that has over 400 000 members. As a member you can vote or participate in surveys for many categories. Currently you can earn 15 points per vote and for some temporary votes you can earn 120 or 150 points. You can participate in the surveys via your email address or just through the website. The rewards are from 1000 points up to 6000 points. It depends on the length of the survey or the sponsor.

You can also make your own polls, topics and create opinions to get point bonus. You can convert your points into Prize Draw tickets, discount vouchers or high street coupons, which will reach you by post in 2 months after your request.

MySurvey is a well-paid survey website, that is owned and operated by the market research firm TNS, one of the largest market research firms in the world.

It's very easy to sign up. You can take part in its survey just after you receive its invitation. Normally you can earn Mysurvey points by completing their surveys. The invitation will tell you what your reward is if you complete the survey and how long the survey will take. Incidentally 100 points are equal to £0.50.

Before you start a survey you would be asked a few questions too. If you are qualified you can continue, or it will stop you. Incidentally even you are not qualified to complete the survey you still will be credited 10-20 points. Your points sometimes will be credited on your account immediately, sometimes take a few weeks.

Usually their surveys take 15-20 minutes to complete and the rewards are between 80 and 250 points.

If you download Mysurvey Messenger to your computer you can get 100 bonus points. You also have a chance to invite your friend and get 100 points.

You have 3 choices to redeem your points: Amazon voucher and Capital Bond, transfer to your Nectar card or make a donation.

OnePoll is a paid survey website, which undertakes a wide range of market research projects, working on behalf of companies from various sectors within the UK and around the world.

Signing up for an account is quite easy. It just takes minutes to fill a form about you. Do remember you can get £2.5 credit for signing up. You also can refer 5 friends and get £5 credit, even if your referrals don’t sign up.

Unlike most paid-survey websites you don’t need to get any invitation. What you need to do is to log onto the website and click ‘surveys available for you’, and start to participate in.

There are two kinds of survey on OnePoll: one is named ‘paid for survey’, another one is named ‘competitions survey’.

Typically it pays 5p, 10p or 15p per ‘paid for survey’ and you also have a chance to win an Amazon voucher or a gift for ‘competitions survey’.

Mind you all surveys have expiration time, especially the 24hr survey will not take long.

Upon your successful completion of the survey your account will automatically be credited.

Payout is at the £40 level and will be paid directly to you. You have three options: cheque, BACS and PayPal.

Valued opinions is a market research company, which is a member of The World Association of Market Research Professionals and a company partner of the Market Research Society.

After you sign up an account the company will send you email to invite you to participate in its paid-survey. Normally their surveys are about business services and product uses, which take 15-25 minutes to complete.

Before you start a survey you would be asked a few questions. If you are qualified you can continue, or it would stop you. The value of a survey is from £0.50 to £2.5. It mainly depends on the length of the survey. By the way if you are not qualified for the survey you still can get a chance for its quarter prize draw.

If your credit reaches £10 you can redeem your earnings. The rewards are vouchers of retailers, such as amazon, Tosco, M&S, etc. was founded in 2000 and is owned by WPP, one of the world's leading communications services groups. In addition to the United Kingdom panel website, it has panels across Canada, North America, and Asia Pacific.

Like most survey websites you can only participate in its survey after you receive an invitation via your email. You get Lightspeed Points for completing most surveys or are given numerous entries to its Prize Draw. The credit of a survey is from 80 to 250 points. By the way if you cannot complete a survey you still at least get one entry to the Draw.

On the Lightspeed site you can redeem your points for cash, which is paid to your PayPal account. You have to have at least 115 points and that's equal to £1.

You can also get online gift certificates, such as Amazon or HMV e-vouchers. In this case you need at least 550 points to get a £5 voucher.

Global Test Market, like the name, is an international market research company that pays members for participating in their market research.

Signing up for an account is very easy. You just need to provide an email address and a password. Then you need complete 8 short surveys on your profile to qualify for more opportunities.

Same as Lightspeed you can only participate in its survey after you receive an invitation email.

You get MarketPoints for completing most surveys or are given a couple of entries to its daily and monthly sweepstakes.

It has lots of survey topics and the survey design is user friendly. Normally it takes about 15-20 minutes to complete a survey then you can get 5-50 MarketPoints immediately. The value of MarketPoints is fixed against the U.S. Dollar at 5 cents per MarketPoint.

Upon your successful completion of the survey you automatically receive 3 Sweepstakes entries. By completing a survey that you are not eligible for you will receive 1 Sweepstakes entry. When you have at least 1000 MarketPoints you can redeem your MarketPoints for a cheque sent by post and that's equal to $50.

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